NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LTD. FUTURES & OPTIONS SEGMENT CIRCULAR Circular No. NSE/F&O/030/2009 April 21, 2009 Download No: NSE/FAOP/12296 Dear Members, Exclusion of futures and options contracts in 50 securities Members are advised to note that based on the stock selection/exclusion criteria as prescribed by SEBI vide circular SEBI/DNPD/CIR-31/2006/ dated September 22, 2006 and NSE circular No NSE/F&O/029/2009 dated April 21, 2009 contracts for new expiry months in the following securities will not be available for trading on expiry of existing contract months.

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However, the existing unexpired contracts for the month of and April, May and June 2009 would continue to be available for trading till their respective expiry and new strikes would also be introduced in these existing contract months.
This circular shall be effective from May 4, 2009.
For and on behalf of
National Stock Exchange of India Limited
Suprabhat Lala
Asst. Vice President
However, the existing unexpired contracts for the month of and April, May and June 2009 would continue to be available for trading till their respective expiry and new strikes would also be introduced in these existing contract months.
This circular shall be effective from May 4, 2009.
For and on behalf of
National Stock Exchange of India Limited
Suprabhat Lala
Asst. Vice President